Halloween … or just October 31st.

So I was able to celebrate Halloween this year and our school tried their best to make the students understand the holiday to its fullest. I did not participate in the planning of the events at school but there was a couple of things I noticed that I need to address.

1. Costumes. The costumes the students had were very interesting. There were some costumes that I had to shake my head and ask “What the hell are they thinking?” Then, I realized that most of these kids are celebrating the holiday for the first time and had no idea about Halloween costumes.

2. Candy. Now we all know that the main purpose for Halloween is to receive free candy by going out treat-or-treating. That is difficult at a boarding school, but it is also more difficult in a country that does not celebrate Halloween. Students did not understand that concept so candy was just out there for people to take back to their rooms.

3. Scary movies. There is nothing better than scary movies to watch on Halloween. Now, there are a lot of classics out there that translate well from English to Chinese, but Silence of the Lambs?

4. I love to get down and dance the night away, but I never looked at a school Halloween party as a time to perform. Our students decided to have a talent show as apart of Halloween party. That’s all I have to say about that.

5. The last thing I noticed about Halloween at my school was someone spilled something in my classroom that smelled like a combination of throw-up and baby diapers and if I find the person who did it so help them God.

IMG_1048 Cosplay?

IMG_1015 We are taking over!

IMG_1002 I have no idea?!

One thought on “Halloween … or just October 31st.”

  1. That’s so cool! In Japan we had Halloween lessons for the children but it was just a regular lesson. No parties, no candy, nothing. At least I got to party and eat candy grown-up style after school.


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